Monday, September 28, 2009


For those interested in fall sessions, all of my weekend openings are now booked thru October. I still have openings thru a few weekdays (October) and a few weekend sessions are still available in November. If you're still waiting to book your session, don't wait much longer! Spots are filling up quick!!

I know there are some of you that are wanting to get holiday photo cards done and it's still possible. In fact, if you book a family session October 1st thru November 14th, you'll get 50 free custom-designed holiday cards. Yes, I did say free. And truthfully, what would be cooler than having a holiday card featuring your family!??

If you need more details or need to schedule a date, email me!

And just because my posts are much more interesting with a picture, here's one from a newborn session I did a couple of weeks ago. Remember this little butterbean??

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009


...that I wasn't lying when I Twittered/Tweeted (what's the proper English for that??) that I have had a Praying Mantis outside of my office window.

He was there for a total of 9 days.....and ironically disappeared after I took his picture:

It was probably because I spelled "mantis" wrong in my Tweet.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mart & Stella

Remember a few weeks ago, when I blogged about my best friend, Heather, giving birth to that super-cute little baby?

Well, unbeknownst to Heather, my other best friend, Martha, and I put together a sneaky plan for Martha to come home from Indy, and we'd surprise Heather with a visit. We're always doing things like that for one of us.

While Martha was in town, we decided to do a quick, little shoot with her and her dinosaur dog, Stella. Stella is an English Mastif and is by far the biggest dog I have ever seen with my own two eyes. When she stands next to you and wags her tail, she leaves bruises. Trust me. I've stood next to her.

And if you know anything about Mastif's, if you stand next to them, you also get drooled on. LOTS of drool.

But boy is she pretty. And sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lovable.

And Mart isn't too hateful on the eyes either! =) She has these amazing eyes that are almost crystal-like. Piercing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Big, bad, Cody

A couple of weeks ago, I went back to Ault Park for another shoot. My last session was for a couple of cute kids, and this time it was for my handsome senior, Cody.

Cody plays on the varsity football and baseball teams for the Bethel Tate Tigers. Quite the sports enthusiast, no doubt. But he also happens to be this super-cute, GQ-esque man. Just look at him workin' "the smirk" here:

Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooo blue eyes. AYKM!??

There's just something about a man in a suit makes me swoon. Of course, it does help when they are wearing an Ohio State Buckeyes tie.

Cody, I had an absolute blast with you, Lacey, and the rest of your crew. (Hi Jill! Hi Dottie! Hi Staci!) Best of luck to you and the rest of your senior year at BT!!


Edit: For those that have asked, the music in the slideshow is from a good friend of mine. You can check out more of his work here. A little fact about Ward and I -- we were Homecoming King and Queen together our senior year. And he's lucky I can't find the picture of it....

Thanks, Ward!

Friday, September 11, 2009

I remember.

I was as uncomfortable as a person could get.

I was pregnant with my second child -- and I mean waaaaaaaaaay pregnant. As in the-last-few-days-of-my-pregnancy pregnant. My belly looked like I had scarfed down six NBA size basketballs. At once.

It was a much harder pregnancy than my first. Nine less than blissful months filled with all-day Morning Sickness, acid reflux, and insomnia. I hadn't slept in my bed for weeks and found the only refuge for sleep was pouring my half-propped-up self into the crevices of my couch with a thousand pillows.

I was wide awake earlier that morning, against my will of course. My little butter bean inside my belly was apparently at gymnastics practice. So, I started my familiar routine of channel surfing. 3 am is not the time to find quality on the tube, that's for sure. Unless I wanted to order that "Body by Jake Ab Rocker" or that gadget that could shell an egg.

Somewhere in the excitement of the infomercials, I must've fallen asleep. I woke up for a few minutes, then drifted back to sleep. The baby would move, I'd wake up, and then I'd talk her into going back to I could sleep. Pleeeeeeaase, just ten more minutes.

Awake, asleep. Awake, asleep.

Finally, I just gave in. I laid there with my back to the TV, just listening. I remember thinking, "He's so cute. I could lay here all day and just listen to him." Bryant Gumble from CBS's The Early Show was talking about a plane and a building. He was talking to a woman by the name of Theresa, who had called into the show and was describing what she saw from her office window a few blocks away. The words didn't get my attention until she said "Oh my God! Another one just hit the other building!"

I rolled over and found what she was describing was the World Trade Centers. The tops of both buildings were like chimneys-- that thick, black, smoke stretched on for miles and miles. The TV was showing the streets of lower Manhattan, the frantic crowds running away from the horror, most still carrying their breifcases. One woman was missing a shoe and nearly everyone were on their cell phones.

I sat there for hours watching the events unfold in New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania.

And every year I remember today just like this. I remember where I was and what I was doing. I remember the events that took place. I remember the visions of that day as if they were permanently etched in my mind. I remember the ache in my heart when both of the Towers collapsed. I remember watching the people cry and hearing their shrills against the sirens. I remember watching strangers helping strangers. I remember the tireless efforts of the firemen and rescue workers.

I remember how lucky I am to live where I live, to have the freedom that I have.

Ash and debris cover a desk calendar at the Chase Manhattan bank on Broadway, about a block from the World Trade Center site.
(David Karp/AP Photo)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Shawn + Holly's e-session cute are these two!??

I just love Love. I love photographing it, I love watching it, I love hearing couples talk about it. I love being in it.

Holly is obviously one of my 2010 brides and I couldn't be more excited for their big day.

For Shawn and Holly's engagement session, we tooled around their huge farm on this Ranger. We covered every square inch of that place just to be sure we didn't pass up a good photo location. I couldn't resist a picture of them on that cute thing. Not to mention, the southside of their property housed a HUGE Queen Ann's Lace field....which I fell in love with.

I have the cutest clients ever.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sawyer Gene

Two nights ago, my best friend delivered a little miracle. Literally. He was disguised as this cute little baby package.....all 8 pounds and one ounce of him.

And, you know me, I was right at the hospital the next morning to hug Mom & Dad and hold that little ball of deliciousness with a stinkin' cute name.

With camera in hand, no doubt.

I couldn't make up my mind on my absolute favorite image, so I put them all in a slideshow:

Isn't he the cutest thing you ever laid eyes on?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Coming up.....

Busy, busy, busy around here the last couple of days! Lots of good stuff coming up:

* My boyfriend, Chris Jason Voorhees

* Shawn + Holly's E-session

* Cody, my big bad Senior

* And more of this little guy: