Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mart & Stella

Remember a few weeks ago, when I blogged about my best friend, Heather, giving birth to that super-cute little baby?

Well, unbeknownst to Heather, my other best friend, Martha, and I put together a sneaky plan for Martha to come home from Indy, and we'd surprise Heather with a visit. We're always doing things like that for one of us.

While Martha was in town, we decided to do a quick, little shoot with her and her dinosaur dog, Stella. Stella is an English Mastif and is by far the biggest dog I have ever seen with my own two eyes. When she stands next to you and wags her tail, she leaves bruises. Trust me. I've stood next to her.

And if you know anything about Mastif's, if you stand next to them, you also get drooled on. LOTS of drool.

But boy is she pretty. And sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lovable.

And Mart isn't too hateful on the eyes either! =) She has these amazing eyes that are almost crystal-like. Piercing.

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