Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Maternity Session with Torrie

I think if I had to do it all over again, I'd definitely opt for some professional maternity photos. Something to look back on to see myself beautiful, with this tiny miracle in my body.

There's only one picture of me pregnant with my first daughter.


It was Christmas of 1997 and I was (what felt like) 100 months pregnant, but in reality I was 8 months and 3 weeks. My husband (at the time) and I were spending Christmas Eve with my grandparents and my Grandpa INSISTED that all the grandkids get a picture taken together.

And if you knew my Grandpa, when he spoke you knew to listen.

Every Christmas you could practically count on the same picture being taken. It was as traditional as pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce. So, all 6 grandkids stood up in our prearranged line.

Except this year I had to move from the center, to the end. My enormous frontside was wreaking havoc on the symmetry of the picture.

There wasn't much to choose from for maternity clothes back then. Most of the shirts looked more like Grandma's Chintz pillow cases with sleeves. All the pants had elastic waist bands that, I'm pretty certain, cut off the circulation to your lower appendages. And my attire was no exception that day. I wore a white ribbed, knit top and a pair of hideous black, knit pants. My hair was dark and long -- to the middle of my back -- and completely out of style. And it was well before I knew what make-up was or how to use it. I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally could've benefited from some foundation, blush and mascara. To say the least.

I stood there, on the end cap of the traditional picture, with a big smile on my face ready for Grandpa to snap away. He put the camera up to his face, and then lowered it again. And as he peered over his camera, he said,

"Ericka, you look like a big Oreo."

Probablynot the thing to say to an overly-hormonal pregnant lady. And it definitely wasn't the most flattering compliment I've ever received, but I have to admit it's pretty funny now. And, it was actually pretty accurate. I DID look like an Oreo. A double-stuffed one, to boot.

But, that's not the case nowadays. Pregnant women are gorgeous and without all the knit. Torrie was no exception. She was glowing, she was super-sweet, and absolutely adorable.

I shot this entire session in the nursery with one single window. The light just poured in and was just as beautiful as Torrie.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Catching up....again

I feel pretty ashamed that I haven't blogged since November 16th. I'm usually pretty faithful about blogging -- even if it's about absolutely nothing.

No, seriously, I am.

Chris can tell you.....every time I pick up my camera to take a picture of just about everything he'll turn to me and say "you're gonna blog that later, huh?". It's like second nature to me -- well, it WAS until I got hit with the holiday rush.

So, rest assured that it has nothing to do with me not having anything to say. I can guarantee you that. Quite the contrary, really.....TOO much to say.

So, let's back up a second here....

November gave me a mad rush of holiday photo sessions and card designs. One of the coolest parts of my job is opening a card from a client and seeing my images on the front of it. It's truly rewarding.

Back in October, me and one of my best friends (and fellow photographer, I might add) did a creative swap. I took her family photos and she took ours. Which meant I had to design our own Christmas card this year, too. (I say "had to" like it's a big chore or something! I love it -- who am I kidding!??)

It's alot different editing your own family session than when you do it for a client. I bet I arranged these pictures on this card a hundred times -- and I still don't know if I'm satisfied with it. (But, man, I have some cute kids!!!)

I have been truly blessed this year and the success of my business. Thanks to a supportive fiance and my amazing clients for that. It still seems a bit surreal to me to think that I'm the owner of a successful business. Since walking away from my Corporate America job in July, I have been living my dream.

Anyway, back to the chaos....

So, along with my mad rush of photo sessions, I also had the mad rush of Thanksgiving. This is a holiday that is normally hosted by Granny. But this year was a little different. Granny is 84 years old and last year it took her 3 days to recover from the event. So, this Thanksgiving, I did it. All by my big girl self. I had a house full of all of our closest family and friends with (what seemed like) 100 kids.

I fixed my first turkey ever (two of them actually) which was the most delicious, meat-falling-right-off-the-bone-turkey I have ever eaten IN MY LIFE. (Not to stroke my own ego or anything, but it was pretty darn good!!!) Sweet potato casserole, green beans, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, corn, and rolls....warm and golden brown.

About a half hour before dinner started, and before anyone showed up that day, in walks my Grandma and my Uncle Mark, one of the most influential men of my entire life. Just in time to carve the turkeys, too.

So, Granny got a break, I got a surprise and everyone got to eat some good grub! Everything went off without a hitch and it was an absolutely perfect day.

Until the day after when Taylor got the flu. Green bean casserole looks a whole lot different floating in the toilet than it does in the dish, that's for sure.

Then, to add to our massive holiday craziness. Chris and I went on a cruise -- a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas -- in the beginning of December with some of his co-workers for his company. And, I have to say, it's pretty nice being on a beach in a bikini knowing everyone at home was freezing.

It was my first ever cruise and we had an amazing time. The first day at sea we spent on a privately owned island called Cocoa Cay. Which we wisely spent basking in the sun on the beach sipping Pina Coladas. That night was the formal dinner and the last day we spent in the Bahamas. Most of that day was spent snorkeling (so amazing!!!) and hanging out on the yaht with some amazing people. Absolutely amazing.

Ever since we got back from that cruise it's been a mad rush for Christmas. It's hard to believe that Christmas is even here already. Where did the year go?!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Doyle Family


This session was by far one of my favorite sessions ever! This group of kids -- count 'em 5!! -- was so fun and easy to work with -- they did anything asked of them and the smiles never left their cute little faces.

I had such a hard time picking my favorites from this session!! But, I think I have it narrowed down to these:

(Would you believe me if I told you these two were twins?!?!???)

Aren't they all just adorable!?

Heather, their mom, is one of Chris' best childhood friends. They practically grew up together and have remained close all these years. And, she's the only one that gets away with calling him "Chrissy"....so you know she's special. =)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

14 Days of Thankful -- Day Three

One word.


Last nights steak and potatoes became steak, mushroom, and onion omlettes today.

And why is it that I cannot cook a meal without making a huge mess?? I swear that most times it looks worse than if a tornado would have actually ran through my kitchen.

Friday, November 13, 2009

14 Days of Thankful -- Day Two

Today was pretty easy to find something to be thankful for. Well, most days are easy for me to do that. EVERYDAY I'm thankful for my family and our health. EVERYDAY I'm reminded of how lucky and blessed we are to have each other.

But today? Today I was thankful for our calendar on the refrigerator.

Yep. As minor as it might be to you or Joe Schmoe down the street, for me it pretty much runs this household.

Since Chris and I are both divorced, we have to keep track of which days the kids are with us and which days their with the other parents. That schedule alone is a task that Grandma Barker can't even get straight.

Yeah, this system is a hot mess, I'm sure of it. The days the girls are with us are marked with a thick, pink line and the days the boys are with us are marked with a thick, blue line. Any activites for the girls get written in purple and any activities for the boys get written in green. (Well, except for this month...a little elf took my purple pen and didn't return it.) Birthday's are written in black and any other miscellaneous information gets written with a pencil -- unless it's a definite commitment, then it gets written with a blue ballpoint pen.

Believe it or not, this month is a slow month. Our calendar normally looks like we're in the Witness Protection Program.

At least I look organized. Sort of.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

14 Days of Thankful -- Day One

I'm sure it's territorial with this month on the calendar. Everyone is taking the one time of year to recognize what they're thankful for -- for some it's health, for some it's beer, and for some it's finding that happiness. Just this morning I passed a salon on my way to running the kids to school that read: "Happy Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for?".

Good question.

I asked myself that very question -- "What am I thankful for?" -- and immediately I had an infinite list running down my my mind's spiral bound notepad. My health, my kids' health, a roof over our heads, a job passion that I love, the love of my life, sunny days, my car, coffee, bathtubs, good education, green lights when I need them, coffee....and on and on and on....

But there's one major thing that I'm thankful for that sits high on my mental list. One that has helped make me who I am today. One that has given me morals and values. One that has impacted my life so significantly I can't even find a word for it. One that has influenced my children just as significantly.

My grandma.

My 4 foot firecracker.

My rock.

It was unfortunate for me to lose my mom so young. Being 15 without the one constant in your life is scary enough, but to feel so alone added a whole other level to that.

But I am fortunate enough to have this amazing woman fill that vacancy in my life. She lost a daughter, I lost my mom...yet she gained a daughter, and I gained a mother. In so many ways we fill those voids for each other. Inexplicably. Unconditionally.

I never fully understood the facets of this woman until I got older....until recently even. She is a walking mosaic of love, loyalty, humor, audacity, strength, and advice.

At 84 (as of this Saturday), this woman has been through some of the most heart wrenching, the most difficult of situations humanly possible.

She was one of three girls in the family, all of whom survived the Great Depression. Growing up in a middle-sized, southern Ohio town, she went to work for the local paper mill right out of high school. A few years later, she met the love of her life who happened to be moving 6 states away. To hear her tell it, they had a long-distance courtship until he later moved back to Ohio. Then, not wanting to be apart, they decided to marry.

Their love affair gave them two beautiful sons, Eric and Brad, before going through two grueling miscarriages. Grandma began to withdrawal from my Grandpa. She was angry and had every right to be. Then, as if God was reconnecting her and my Grandpa with His own two hands, He gave her the miracle of my mom, their only daughter, and another son, my Uncle Mark. Grandma and Grandpa's life was enveloped in their 4 children. They created a home that welcomed the stray animals my mom brought home, to years later welcoming the overnight guests that they'd each bring home from college.

At some point along their journey, my Grandpa's drinking took a downward spiral. From the time he'd wake in the morning, until the time he fell asleep, he'd be drinking. In his coffee, in his car...he was a full-blown alcoholic. It consumed him. Through the car accidents and the Sheriff phone calls, Grandma begged for him to stop and vowed to stand by him until he did. Until it became too much for her to handle. She was raising four babies on her own and physically couldn't keep up with his drinking. And when she threatened to leave, he took her serious, stopped drinking and became involved in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Almost as sobering as his AA meetings, he and my Grandma received a call one February day with the news that my mom had been in an airplane crash. "She won't live through the night, Mrs. Barker" they told her. Each day became scarier than the one before. She remained a permanent fixture in my mother's hospital room for the next three months -- watching Father administer my mom her last dying rights, witnessing her second chance in life when she woke from the coma, wheeling her wheelchair down to physical therapy, and helping her walk again.

Time healed their wounds, and their daughter, and eventually they were empty nesters. The kids would all return at Christmas year after year -- each year brought more grandchildren.

Life moved on.

Until 1993 when it suddenly stopped.

Battling the medical complications from the airplane crash years earlier, my mom found herself fully engulfed with Leukemia. In an attempt to save her, my Uncle Mark donated bone marrow for a transplant to possibly help my mom. Her body rejected the marrow and days later she died.

I watched her weep from two seats over, as they lowered her casket into the ground that hot July day. Her hand was wrapped in my grandpa's hand as if it were a silent plea to keep her strong.

Courageously, they persevered. Some how, some way, they continued on with their lives.

Four years later, one of their grandsons overdosed on heroin.

One early morning in January 2007, she received another frightful phone call. This time it was her son. Following in his father's alcoholic footsteps, he had killed a young man while driving drunk.

3 months later Grandpa died. Her sweetie. Her soulmate.

I can remember sitting at the long, shiny table in the funeral home with her as we made arrangements for his service. I remember thinking "how much can one woman take?". I can remember pleading with God to give her a break.

Wasn't there someone else He could give these life lessons to? Yet, here she is laughing and smiling, and playing backyard baseball with our girls.

It amazes me every time I think about her life, all she has seen, what she's been put through.

She went through all of that and still had time to raise me...mold me....love me unconditionally. She has been a constant in my life from the time I was born. She has supported me, encouraged me, and pushed me to chase my dreams.

I want to emulate her as a parent. I want to pass on the values and morals I learned from her to my own kids. I want them to play the games with their kids that she played with us. I want them to know, truly know, what unconditional love is.

Today, I am thankful for her determination, her perseverance, her unconditional love, her positive outlook on life, her oatmeal cookies and pumpkin pies, her guidance, her support and her selfless acts of kindness.

Today I am thankful for her, my mom in every sense of the word.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

To old friends...

I know I've said it before, and if I had to count how many times I've said it, I'd probably hit triple digits.

"It's funny how life works."

If someone were to sit Jerame and I down back during those long summers at the pool where we lifeguarded together and told us that years later down the road our families would be close -- inviting each other to your kids' birthday parties, celebrating engagements, or comforting mutual friends grieving -- neither one of us would believe you. In fact, we probably would have laughed at you.

Once your last summer guarding has ended, you really don't anticipate seeing either other again. Being from neighboring towns, you go on to bigger paying jobs and down different paths of life. Sure, you might cross paths again later on in your journey, exchange hellos and go on, but never would you think that you would be in the same circle of close-knit friends together down the road.

But, that's just what happened for Jerame and I. He and Chris are best friends and have been for years. And now, years after we were summer co-workers together, our friendship has picked up right where it left off all those years ago.

His beautiful wife Sara gave me the pleasure of capturing their cute little family for them. She knew the perfect place. So, we waited until the leaves got just right and viola!

(Can't you just hear her giggling? So stinkin' cute!)
I can only imagine that this is the first of many shoots for this family over the course of the next 30 years or so. I'm sure there will be more family sessions, senior sessions, weddings (don't kill me for mentioning this one guys!)....because that's what old friends do.

Edited to add a little surprise:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Meyer Family.

As promised, here's the Meyer family. Well...part of it at least.

Mandi and I have been friends for what seems like eons. Martha introduced us many years ago, and we've been friends ever since.

Naturally, I was thrilled at the opportunity to capture her little family in an October session. Mandi has an adorable daughter who happens to be a senior.....so we focused on her for part of the session.

Tough job, right??

Focusing on Kayla was the easy part. Look at those eyes (unaltered in Photoshop, too, by the way). One word. Gorgeous.

There are times when I am processing my images and become speechless at the beauty. Not so much the images themselves, but the people in them. I bet I sat at my computer for a half hour trying to figure out something creative and whitty to say. But I can't think of one thing. This girl is incredibly beautiful and the images speak for themselves.

Kinda sickening, huh?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Jumping ahead a few posts to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!

And because my posts are so much more exciting with a picture....here's the kids on Trick-or-Treat night. Harley was a punked up version of Hannah Montana and Bryce was a ninja. Brenden and Taylor were "too cool to trick-or-treat".

Busy week coming up....lots of posts to share.....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Finishing up....

...the session of Baby Jack and found this one of him with his big sister, Ella.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Baby Jack

I'm not even half way thru my session with this cute boy, but I couldn't resist posting one for his Mom to see. I know she's just as impatient as I am on seeing these. It's sessions like this that make me want to snap my fingers or do that Bewitched nose wiggle and the post-session editing be done.

My goodness.....this makes me want more babies.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Holy cow!!!


Holy cow.

A few weeks ago, I found myself on one of the most fun engagement shoots to date. Monica and Curt are one of my August 2010 Wedding couples. Lucky me!

Growing up in the same town, I knew of Monica's family and knew that they were pretty big into farming. Like acres and acres big into farming. Not to mention Curt, her rather adorable Groom to be, is a full time farmer. Yeah, full time....all day. So, it came as no surprise when she told me of their plans to have their engagement shoot done on their farm. And to me, it only seemed fitting that we did their session where they spend the most of their time.

There was always a little part of me growing up that made me wish I lived on a farm with stray cats, livestock, funny smells and lots of bugs. It was completely short lived, but whatever.

Here are a couple of my favorites from the day....

I know they look like cows, but they were more like watch dogs. Reeeeeeeallllllly BIG, smelly, watch dogs.

Delicious late afternoon light makes me swoon! And it was even overcast part of the day.

And, of course, here's a few more.....wanna guess what song we used???

On a side note, I have a few more sessions I'm diligently finishing up!
- Baby Jack
- The Meyer Family of 3, plus two dogs one dog and one princess
- The Sweet Painter Family
- Centerville HS Photography Day

Friday, October 16, 2009

You'll Never See It Coming........

It just didn't make sense.

"Why did Brenden need his phone charger when we were going to be picking him up in 3 hours. AND it's 8:00 at night??"

The kids were at Papaw Reck's for the evening and it seemed a bit strange that we had to go out of our way to drop off a phone charger. Who could that kid possibly be talking to??!? And in true Chris fashion, his response to me questioning him about it was "I told him that I'd do it and I'm going to honor my word".

Geez, how was I supposed to argue with that?!

We pulled in and hopped out of the truck -- phone charger in hand, of course. Grandma Sheri was watching a movie in the living room when we walked in. We chatted a minute or two (ironically about how nice Chris looked) when she told us that the kids and Papaw were "camping" in the backyard.

"You can just go thru the kitchen", she said. So, we did. I was leading the way and was kind of in a hurry....we had people waiting on us to celebrate me turning 33.


"What the ...what's going on???"

I looked around and saw all of my closest friends, smiles plastered on their faces like they had just pulled off some top secret Oval Office mission. The kids had made me a huge homemade birthday sign with big 3's all over it and it was strategically hung on the kitchen cabinets. There were cards and lots of hugs.

I'm pretty good at picking up on things and I was clueless. No one slipped up and said anything. No one was acting funny.

Centered smack-dab in the middle of the kitchen table was an enormous birthday cake with two, big, candles in the shape of a 3.....and a hideous picture of me in a tap dance costume from when I was eight years old. Yeah, not the ideal picture to be on my birthday cake, but I'll give the man credit for making it special and unique. Plus, you can waiver some of the embarrassment for someone that went out of their way to surprise me. Besides, it IS pretty funny.

So, I sat down and opened up all of my cards preciously made by four little kids. OUR four kids, to be exact. And one from Papaw,Grandma, and Katie (the dog). And one from my amazing boyfriend.

There's an episode of The Office where Jim and Pam are on the way to their wedding and talking about taking mental pictures so they don't forget anything. That's what I wanted to do right then, right there. I wanted to take the overflowing love I felt inside, bottle it up, and put it on a shelf where I could pop it open on my 80th birthday. I looked around me and saw all of these amazing people -- not only in MY life -- but also my girls lives now. I remember looking around and thanking God for them.

Chris interrupted me with "Do you want your gift now, or do you want to wait until tomorrow?" Since, technically, my birthday was the next day he could've easily made me wait. And before I could mutter the first syllable, he said "oh, you can have it now".

Delighted, of course, I sat there and was thrilled that I didn't have to wait another 24 hours for whatever was wrapped in that pretty red paper behind him. And, as he turned around to grab it off of the hutch it sat on, he knocked it to the floor.

To the hardwood floor.

I could tell it was a glass of some sort and I could REALLY tell once it hit the floor. "He broke it!...is it replaceable?.....what if the kids made it????" A thousand thoughts flooded my brain and my only hope was that no one was going to be upset. "Please let it be okay. Please let it be in one piece."

Chris hovered over it like a wounded kitten he was trying to heal. I couldn't see what kind of shape it was in (or what it was for that matter) so I stood up, hoping for a better view. In the seconds between me deciding to stand up to me actually standing on my two feet, Chris turned around and looked up at me.

On one knee.

One one knee with a tiny, black, box in his hand.

It was as if I were standing too close to a pizza oven. A hot flash from the wrinkles in my forehead to the polish on my pinky toes waved over me. My hands immediately covered my wide-open mouth. My eyes welled up with tears. "Don't blink, your mascara will run", I told myself.

I watched his lips move but I can't tell you what he was saying. I was lost in the adoration for this man who made me a much better person. I was in love with what he brought to my life, our kids' lives, our friends' lives. I was in love with his genuine-ness, his heart, his passion, and his values. I was in love with the way he left me little notes. I was in love with the way he smelled. I was in love with the way he made me feel.

"YES!!! Of course, I will marry you!!!!"

I was crying, Taylor was crying and even Bryce was thrilled (and that's sayin' something!!).

I have had so many personal hurdles to jump the last year. I've had a complete life overhaul -- for the better. I've had hard issues that I had to face and overcome. I've rid my life of the people who didn't positively influence me or my kids. I've replaced those negative people with good-hearted, genuinely caring people. I can finally share the good people in MY life with someone that appreciates them as much as I do. People that love us and have our best interests at heart. People that care to give good, honest advice. People that are family. People that love unconditionally.
I did all of that with the help of this man that stands beside me. I am finally in a place where I am truly content....right where I'm supposed to be, with who I'm supposed to be with. Our family is magical and our love is effortless.

It's amazing how God makes two lives intersect that the perfect time. It is obvious to me that He had a plan all these years. There was a reason I had to go thru the heartaches, the bad relationships, and the emptiness. There was a reason why He put me on the path to see the good people in my life.

And that reason was Chris. And I, along with our kids, will forever be grateful.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

More like family than not.

I've always said that I have an unconventional family....loving people who have been strategically placed somewhere along my path of life to fill a void, or a role, to help make me who I am today.

Sure, I have a mom and dad who are responsible for creating me. But, my mom died when I was a freshman in high school and my dad......well, let's just say he chose not to be around. But I have never suffered by the losses. I've never felt short-changed or cheated.

Because of these 'other' people in my life.

I may not have had my parents in the latter part of my life, but I am fortunate enough to have amazing grandparents -- who have been my parental role models much of my life. I am trying to instill values into my own children that my grandparents molded me by. I want my kids to be thankful for what they have and to not take anything for granted. I want them to appreciate a hard earned dollar. I want the girls to learn to sew and the boys to learn to cook. I want them to learn that discipline will get you everywhere and dishonesty will get you nowhere. I want them to know that manners are monumental. I want them to know, truly KNOW, that our love is unconditional. These are the things I'm teaching my kids because my grandparents took the time to teach me.

I have an Aunt that isn't "technically" my mom or dad's sister, but yet was trusted enough to let me stay long country summers with her and her family. Aunt Leah has guided me thru much of my life -- the good, the bad, the easy or the difficult -- without expecting much in return. She held my hand thru my parents divorce and thru my own divorce. She spoke encouraging words as I nervously sat getting my ears pierced at the age of twelve, and encouraged me to follow my artistic dreams at the age of 25. She has taught me how to be patient with my own kids by being patient with me when I broke her living room lamp when I was ten. I try to emulate her patience and her open mindedness. She inspired me to set my own bar high and has been the catalyst in my zest for an adventurous life. Both individually, and as a parent.

I have incredible friends who are called "aunt" and "uncle" by my kids. They rough-house together, play football together, they share secrets and shopping trips. They fall alseep in their laps and do that armpit/farting thing together. They laugh. They laugh until there are tears. They are loved. They are loved until it oozes from the pores on their dirty, little faces.

There have been teachers that have mentored me without ever stepping a foot into their classroom.

There are band directors that have taught me how to "pay it forward" to those less fortunate.

And there were lifeguards that were my "family" if only for 90 hot, summer days. At a time in my life when the term 'family' was confusing enough...divorces, adoptions.....it was a struggle to fit in. Yet, Randy and Lisa and their little, big family of lifeguards made you feel like that's just where you belonged.

It were those summers that taught me the most about "family", about being accepted for WHO you were and not WHAT you were, and about support. It was that group of neighboring town transplants that all had common ground around an L shaped swimming pool. It didn't matter what school you went to, or who your boyfriend was. "They were brother's that picked on you, sisters that leaned on you and a mom that ran the show....." They proved that friendships get stronger year after year, and bonds remain strong years after you moved on to "real" jobs.

The Anderson's were the core of that summer family. 4 people that poured their heart and soul into the community watering hole. 4 people that made that place my "home"....complete with a screen door slamming and a mom that yelled at you when it did.

They have always held a special place in my heart....like family should.

A few weeks ago, I got a phone call from the Anderson family. They needed family pictures and I was honored to do it. Heather's sister, Holly, was in from Florida so she figured that was the perfect time to gather the families.

I believe that being related doesn't neccessarily make you family, and just because you aren't related, doesn't mean you're not.

Monday, September 28, 2009


For those interested in fall sessions, all of my weekend openings are now booked thru October. I still have openings thru a few weekdays (October) and a few weekend sessions are still available in November. If you're still waiting to book your session, don't wait much longer! Spots are filling up quick!!

I know there are some of you that are wanting to get holiday photo cards done and it's still possible. In fact, if you book a family session October 1st thru November 14th, you'll get 50 free custom-designed holiday cards. Yes, I did say free. And truthfully, what would be cooler than having a holiday card featuring your family!??

If you need more details or need to schedule a date, email me!

And just because my posts are much more interesting with a picture, here's one from a newborn session I did a couple of weeks ago. Remember this little butterbean??

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009


...that I wasn't lying when I Twittered/Tweeted (what's the proper English for that??) that I have had a Praying Mantis outside of my office window.

He was there for a total of 9 days.....and ironically disappeared after I took his picture:

It was probably because I spelled "mantis" wrong in my Tweet.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mart & Stella

Remember a few weeks ago, when I blogged about my best friend, Heather, giving birth to that super-cute little baby?

Well, unbeknownst to Heather, my other best friend, Martha, and I put together a sneaky plan for Martha to come home from Indy, and we'd surprise Heather with a visit. We're always doing things like that for one of us.

While Martha was in town, we decided to do a quick, little shoot with her and her dinosaur dog, Stella. Stella is an English Mastif and is by far the biggest dog I have ever seen with my own two eyes. When she stands next to you and wags her tail, she leaves bruises. Trust me. I've stood next to her.

And if you know anything about Mastif's, if you stand next to them, you also get drooled on. LOTS of drool.

But boy is she pretty. And sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lovable.

And Mart isn't too hateful on the eyes either! =) She has these amazing eyes that are almost crystal-like. Piercing.