So anyway, remember waaaaaaay back when.....when blogged a list of everything I wanted to do once I quit my old j.o.b. and started full-time photography:
paint new "office" (and the laundry room while I'm at it)
organize office
update website
research marketing/advertising
nose pierced
Picture Fizz Facebook???
paint new "office" (and the laundry room while I'm at it)
organize office
update website
research marketing/advertising
nose pierced
Picture Fizz Facebook???
The only two things on this list that I've managed to cross off so far is 'organize office' and 'nose pierced'. Not really changing the world yet, but hey, it's a good start.
This atrociousness that I referred to my "office" was so far outta control that it took nearly 3 days for me to get thru it. No joke. In my defense though, some of this chaos was caused by cleaning the back of my truck out before going on vacation and bringing home 3 boxes of useless crap from my Corporate America office job. Hardly my fault, right?

I can remember being in school and having self portrait project after self portrait project after self portrait project. You'd think that after all that Me Time in front of the camera, I'd be used to it. Sad truth is the only picture of myself that I actually like is my driver's license. Go figure.
And the only reason why I converted this to B&W was so no one saw the awful grey in my hair right now. Yeah, "dye job" isn't anywhere on that list....
My Grandma told me that if I got my nose pierced that she'd promptly remove me from any inheritance that I am currently willed. Oh don't worry, if I've done all I've done in my life and she still hasn't disowned me, them I'm good. Or maybe it was the fact that I kindly reminded her that I will be the one looking after her when she's withering away in a nursing home. (As if I'd ever put her in a nursing home....)
PS. Where'd the dimple come from?????
Moving on......................
I have somehow made forced myself to make my bed the instant my feet hit the floor. Every. Single. Day. My mom (and Grandma) would be so proud of me. I never believed either one of them when I was 13 and they told me that "it just feels better getting into your bed when it's been made all day". They were right though -- it does feel better.

Sometimes it's the little things that I accomplish in a day that make me feel like I've tackled something huge.
One of my favorite parts of meeting the couples that I photograph, is hearing the stories of their they met, what interests they hold together, etc. One of the things that couples share with me is their own language between each other. Things that they say or do to one another that a stranger may not understand but make perfect sense to their partner. Sometimes is a gesture or a look and other times it's words, but regardless, it always means something.
Chris and I have our own language.... "it goes both ways". That's what we sometimes tell each other instead of saying "I love you". With us, it truly does go both ways....our love, our respect, our happiness, our adoration of one another. Our effort, our commitment, and our friendship.
"Our" song has a line that says "it's not what you've got, it's what you give". We remind each other of this all the time. It's not so much what you have in a relationship, it's also what you give to your partner. Equal parts. And our cups equally runneth over.
Seemed fitting for it to be the on the wall of the place we see last before going to bed, and first thing when our eyes open in the morning.
Three weeks ago, I lovingly kissed my boyfriend good-bye to football season. We love football here at the Halfdozen House. We eat it, sleep it, breathe it, heck....even the boys fart it. Chris coaches Brenden's fifth grade team as he's done the last 3 years and Bryce is a rookie this year. So, needless to say, three nights a week and every weekend are consumed with Green and Gold.
Both of the boys had their premier football games on Saturday afternoon. Since this is Bryce's first year playing we made a pretty big production about his first game EVER. And he couldn't have looked anymore adorable in his uniform than what he did that day. He was like a helmet with legs!

Our big, bad running back is also turning 6 this weekend, so we had a little party for him Saturday night.

6....oh to be six again....
Bryce.. ADORABLE!!!!
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