I always try to show up to Heather's functions way early so I can just hang out with her for a few minutes before anyone else gets there. It seems like the times we get to spend together get fewer and fewer. Life just gets crazy.....
So anyway, while I was there I thought it'd be a great idea to grab a couple of quick maternity pictures for her. I think I had a total of seven minutes before people started to show up. I was able to snap a few:

Heather is due in 2 weeks and 5 days (I only know the exact date because I talked to her yesterday and she is soooooooo ready for this pregancy to be over). Just like last time with Kase, they aren't going to find out the sex of the baby until she is born. Yes, I said she. She as in girl. I am adamant that this child is a girl...no real reason, just do.
I will be (and have been) waiting for this baby to get here. And you can bet your sweet toosh that I'll be at the hospital when she's hours old, camera in hand, taking pictures just like I did with Kase.
There are still times that I find myself in a reality check, thinking to myself "oh my gosh, we're parents". We aren't the 14-year-old lifeguards anymore. We have mortgages and responsibilities. There are diapers to change and softball games to cheer at. There are dinners to fix and jobs to do.
Funny how life happens right before your eyes and you don't realize it.
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