Sunday, August 9, 2009


I absolutely love to travel. I love seeing new places, the character that makes those places unique, the people, the sights....all of it.

What I DO NOT like, however, is the aftermath. The unpacking, the laundry, the putting everything away, the laundry. (I know, I already said that, but there's so much of it I had to say it twice.)

As if summer wasn't obvious enough, it literally slapped me in the face as I was doing our Aftermath Laundry:

3 girls + 8 bikinis = AYKM?!?

This picture would make my Grandma slip into cardiac arrest. I can hear her now: "What on Earth do three girls need 8 swimming suits for?? You can only wear one at a time!!"

PS. I have a gazillion images that I'm going to be editing over the next week, so check back for some of the World Series!

PSS. That Wall of Pictures behind the banister is our stairway. It has 105 pictures on it, goes from floor to ceiling, and none of the frames match. No, really. Pictures from my childhood, Chris' childhood, the girls, the boys, our families, and our friends are all on this wall. I love this wall. But I hate to dust it, so I don't. =)

1 comment:

Jennifer A Collier Photography said...

I love it that the wall of pictures has mis matching frames! Gives each picture and different character!!!