Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 Year in Review

When I'm older and think back to 2010, I'm pretty sure it'll be one of the Top Five years of my life. I don't think it has so much to do with the events that happened even though some great things happened in 2010. And I don't think it's about the places we went -- but we did get to go to some pretty cool places throughout the year. I think it was simply because of the shift that took place inside of me this year that I've written about so many times. I just became so content. Content with what I have. Content with what I don't have. Content in what I do. Content in it being Tuesday, not doing much of anything at all. Content is such a great feeling. Sure, I'm happy. But contentment is better than happiness in my opinion. Happiness is too much expectation, too hard to keep up, too much of a let down when you don't. Content is more real to me. Whether happy or sad, you can still be content.

2010 held alot for me personally. I did things in 2010 that I've never done before. I was the Team Mom for 12 screaming girls of Harley's cheer squad. It was fun in a crazy-chasing-girls-around kind of way. I was also the assistant Team Mom to Brenden's football team. Anyone who knows me, also knows of my fear of roller coasters. And not to be a Fraidy Cat in front of my 7-year old son, I rode a kid-sized roller coaster with him multiple, back-to-back times. Yeah, I know this isn't a huge deed notable especially for courage, but it was still monumental in the grand scheme of my yearly doings. On the downside of never-done-before things lies the inexplicable happening of deleting Bryce's birthday pictures. I know, right? But somehow, it happened. Big dislike. The other thing worthy of noting on the downside list would be backing into my husband's parked truck......twice. Yeah, never done that before -- well, I couldn't really say that the second time......

The year also held alot for us as a family. March held a grand event that the older kids had asked for for months -- as in, on their birthday wish lists. In May, I won a family pack of passes to Kings Island. We didn't get to go as much as I'd liked, but we still got to rot there a few days over the summer. June took us to Indianapolis where we had our first professional (ok, me with a self-timer does not constitute "professional") family portraits taken by a super-sweet couple. (I cannot believe I never blogged about this!?!???) We also took our first family vacation -- which included my in-laws. For 5 days in July we got all tourist-y in Gatlinburg, Tennessee where we took in the Upside-Down Museum, outlet malls, salt water taffy, go-karts, putt-putt, good 'ol southern barbecue and a purdy, panoramic vision of the Smokies.

I turned 34 this year and spent the night with a group of fantastic friends. Most of them my best friends. Ever since I was young, I have spent my birthday at the Bradford Pumpkin Show and insisted on spending the big 3-4 this way, too. And yes, I will spend next year's big day there as well. This birthday was pretty much the same as any other of the 33 I'd had, only this year I opted for birthday apple dumplings instead of a birthday cake, FTW!!

Thinking back on specific dates I can remember of 2010, only three pop into my mind. Obviously, the day we got married will forever be etched in my mind. But two more significant dates are left standing. I spent Labor Day consoling my husband after losing his mom unexpectedly at the age of 53. The days after that were gruesome and bittersweet and left me grateful for what we have. And October 24th, 2010 was the last day Chris coached Brenden's football team. Typically you wouldn't think it'd be a monumental date for me -- the supportive wife -- but it was. It's knowing that bittersweet feeling he had inside. Those kids on that team were like part of his family -- no, our family -- and knowing he won't see them on a day-to-day basis anymore nearly broke my heart for him. I see how he's positively impacted them. And I know he was one of the only good influences some of those kids had. That makes me sad for them.

I don't remember any big achievements of the year. Or failures. Actually, I don't really like that word because even the whole backing-into-the-husband's-parked-truck held a profound learning experience. And a lot of jokes.

Music has a funny way of attaching itself to certain years or parts of my life. There are events and years of my life that come rushing back to me when I hear a particular song. Guns 'n Roses' November Rain instantly makes me think of 1992. Aerosmith's Angel will always take me back to my junior high gym to my 8th grade spring dance. This year will be no exception. Every time I hear Like a G6 I will go back to this summer. Riding to and from football/cheer practice, trips to the mall, or the grocery store. I'd have my windows down and sunroof open, the sun would be on my face and I would be belting this song out at the top of my lungs. I didn't care who could hear me, it made me feel free and much younger than I really am. A friend of ours posted this one on Chris' Facebook page the day of my mother-in-laws memorial service. I had never really paid close attention to the lyrics of that song until then. And they were perfect. And, as much as it pains me to admit this, I will forever be able to close my eyes and hear my kids belting out this song from our basement. It also shames me to admit that I know the words to this song. Lame, but true.

All in all 2010 was a great year. I spent a lot of time watching Modern Family, The Office, 30 Rock and football. We spent the majority of our money on groceries. We cried some days and we laughed nearly everyday. Sometimes we laughed so hard we cried. We wouldn't trade any of it for anything. And this is why:

Kids: Created by us
Memories: Recorded by me 1/1/2010 - 12/31/2010
Music: Oh! (What a Glorious Thing) by Akira the Don
Love: Out there for the taking


Anonymous said...

I love this one!!! You certainly have a way with words, I think that your blog is one of the few that I read that bring tears to my eyes more than once! I hope to find someone like you did with Chris your happiness just shines through in every picture that you take and every word that you type!!!


Jennifer A Collier Photography said...

I adore you and your little family! Love this!