Saturday, September 18, 2010

an APB...on myself....

Yes, I'm still here. In case anyone is wondering...

If I could have skipped over the last few weeks and woke up like it's been a bad dream, I would have already. But it's just not that easy.

A couple of weeks ago, my family lost a little piece of us. A grandmother, a mother-in-law, a mom. The hole that is left has us all searching for ways to fill it. And I fully believe that our rockiest road lies before us.

I apologize to those of you who are waiting for galleries, albums, or even an email from me. As many of you know, I have always, and will continue to place my family first....before myself, and even before my career. Please know that my time away from my "job" has been spent with my family, who needed me.....and who will continue to need me. I've tried to notify most of you, but if I have failed, please know that I'm doing the best I can do with the circumstances before me. I am working a couple of hours each day to clear the backlog.

Thanks to everyone who sent messages, texts, called us or simply prayed for us. We sincerely appreciate all of you who have supported us over the last couple of weeks. Chris and I are absolutely blessed to have such amazing friends and family.

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