Which would be great....if there were any.
No, I'm serious. I'm literally scouring thousands of images taken from April until now and I'm not finding too many of my little clan. I'm honestly starting to think my imagery documenting skills are falling to the wayside. Did I really work so hard for my clients and not-so-hard for my little HalfDozen? What's going to happen when I put together our 2010 Year In Review slideshow? Will I have to pay models to "stand in"?
I'm actually quite disappointed in myself. I didn't even blog as much as last year. And I know I had more to say. Just not enough time. Chris tells me all the time "you can't do everything". I know this. But I wish I could. I wish I could be every where with everyone and didn't have to let anyone down by saying no. But, it just doesn't happen that way.
I have some pretty cool things lined up for next year. I know some of you -- ok, who am I kidding -- all of you are wanting me to blog more. Wanda, every day might not happen, but it'll be more along the lines of once a week, for sure.
So anyway, back to the cell phone chronicles......I was going thru all of my pictures for 2010 when I realized that I had a gazillion pictures on my cell. Which prompted me to load them into Photoshop, which led to this blog post.
Apparently, the majority of my cell phone pictures are food and beverage. With 3% landscapes and 84% of them have my crazy kids in 'em.
Random can still be good, right?

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