Trey, his mom, and I met up a couple weeks ago to get his senior session done. I had scouted out a couple (ok, maybe more than "a couple") of great places and was so stoked to see them in his session. I absolutely love it when my clients are willing to do whatever I ask of them to get a good shot. Trey was at my mercy and, as long as there wasn't any bird poop, was willing to do anything I asked him to do.

I happened to catch him in action....but he still could nail the serious look. Nice work, Trey.
Oh, yes. Nailed it.

On a complete random side note, I usually feel bad about showing up for a session in my ball hat and flip-flops. Sometimes I feel like I should look more professional. But then, other times, I realize that I dress down for a reason. I have yet to do a session where I'm not rolling around on the ground, jumping ontop of dumpsters, or sitting in gravel. And during Trey's session I TRIED to miss a huge mud puddle, but missed.
So, don't feel offended when I show up in old clothes...chances are I'm just taking precautionary measures for my coordination and my willingness to get a great shot. =)
Great shots, Ericka. Wow!
That Trey is a handsome guy, no? ;)
Jen!!! How ARE you!?
Absolutely! That Trey sure is cute!
PS. Your son is A-dorable!!!!
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