I asked myself 'why' 100 times. "Why is this happening? Why him? Why NOW??"
And then one day it hit me like a cartoon anvil.
Our lives were SUPPOSED to intersect at that exact moment.
What I lacked, he provided. What he lost, I found for him. We helped each other heal and encouraged the necessary changes to get there. We held hurdles for each other to leap. And little bit by little bit those bad memories, those awful feelings leftover from our past relationships, were replaced with positive ones.
We are uncannily alike and swear we share a brain from time-to-time. We usually know what each other is thinking and can finish each other's sentences. We've had conversations without speaking a word. Except for the unfortunate sour cream discrepancy, we have similar food likes (our favorite sandwich is bologna with potato chips and mustard), we watch the same shows (a lot of Reality TV) and live by the DVR. Our religious beliefs are in agreement. We have a tendency to take in stray kids for dinner.
He thinks my quirks are cute. I think his sincerity is stunning. He thinks my photography and writing are amazing. I think his chosen profession is admirable. Our children "get" one another. We fit perfectly together, like the last two pieces of an unfinished puzzle.
He is the most thoughtful and compassionate man I have ever known. He is an incredible father to our kids. And loyal to our friends. He is honest and fair, genuine and tenacious.
We support each other's dreams and our friendship knows no boundries. We have the endurance to face the hardships and the determination to pull through them. Our relationship is comfortable and our love is effortless.
We both realize what a blessing we are to the other and the gift that we share. We respect the people that each of us are, and appreciate the faults we bring to the table. We recognize what we have been given here and have the dedication to see it through. I fully believe that we will be that family, that couple, everyone is green with jealousy to be. We will be that couple that still makes-out in the driveway after "date night" when we're 40, and that old couple strolling thru the grocery store some 50 years later.
I am happy. It's been a long time since I've felt happiness without fear or trepidation or waiting for the other shoe to drop. For the first time in my adult life, I feel like happiness is not a temporary emotion.
I am happy. It's been a long time since I've felt happiness without fear or trepidation or waiting for the other shoe to drop. For the first time in my adult life, I feel like happiness is not a temporary emotion.
This happy is for real. And it's here to stay.