Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Loudenback's

Sometimes, it's a little disheartening for me to do repeat sessions for my clients. No, really. It is. I hadn't seen sweet, little Ava since I did her newborn pictures when she was 5 days old. Imagine the shock I felt when I showed up to their family session last month and she was 8 months old! I know, right? Where in the heck did all that time go?!?? And look how stinkin' cute she is!

Maybe 'disheartening' is the wrong word. It's just that it floors me when you see these little boogers growing up sooooo fast. It's one thing to watch your own kids whiz by you, but to watch someone else's kids do it, is just amazing.

I will say that it's pretty cool for me to know that when Ava is searching for pictures for her high school graduation slide show, these will be top contenders.

Yeah, that's pretty cool.


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