Friday, November 13, 2009

14 Days of Thankful -- Day Two

Today was pretty easy to find something to be thankful for. Well, most days are easy for me to do that. EVERYDAY I'm thankful for my family and our health. EVERYDAY I'm reminded of how lucky and blessed we are to have each other.

But today? Today I was thankful for our calendar on the refrigerator.

Yep. As minor as it might be to you or Joe Schmoe down the street, for me it pretty much runs this household.

Since Chris and I are both divorced, we have to keep track of which days the kids are with us and which days their with the other parents. That schedule alone is a task that Grandma Barker can't even get straight.

Yeah, this system is a hot mess, I'm sure of it. The days the girls are with us are marked with a thick, pink line and the days the boys are with us are marked with a thick, blue line. Any activites for the girls get written in purple and any activities for the boys get written in green. (Well, except for this month...a little elf took my purple pen and didn't return it.) Birthday's are written in black and any other miscellaneous information gets written with a pencil -- unless it's a definite commitment, then it gets written with a blue ballpoint pen.

Believe it or not, this month is a slow month. Our calendar normally looks like we're in the Witness Protection Program.

At least I look organized. Sort of.

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