Over the course of the last week I have learned 3 major things:
1) Anti-virus software is only good if it's up to date. And having it installed on your computer is pretty helpful, too.
I really didn't think too much about the pop-up window that came up telling me that my system was infected and that my anti-virus software was getting rid of it. Only it wasn't. That super-informative pop-up window WAS the virus. So, as I sat there working away in my photoshop routine, it was diligently working on spreading it's germs all over my already overwhelmed laptop.
Then, as if my keyboard grew two little arms, it waved a white flag at me. Right before it croaked.
Thankfully, my 'down' time was limited because
2) I have the most amazing husband ever. Like, ever and ever and ever. Not only is he an incredible father to our 4 kids, a super-savvy business man, the absolute best friend anyone could possibly ask for, and a pretty good fixer-upper....but he's my #1 technogeek (and a hot one, at that!). When it comes to computers he knows his stuff.
Like, his pain-in-the-rear-wife-who-thought-she-had-virus-protection-but-didn't stuff.
That poor guy spent 4 (could have been 5) hours trying to get rid of my virus-thingy. And he did.
And everything was going swell right up until I plugged in my portable hard drive.
And nothing.
And then my card reader.
And nothing.
Any then my mouse.
Not one thing plugged into my USB ports would work. And for those that know me, know that my life is stored on a portable hard drive. Like all 6K images of my life. And my family's life. And my client's life. And by business's life. Everything.
And I had no way to access it.
3) My new friends at Northmont Computers saved the day. Ben got me back up and running in no time. Which is great! Except now I'm in a mad rush to get thru the sessions that have backed up over the course of my little virus fiasco.....
One down, quite a few to go........

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