I forgot how fun high school was.
At the end of my presentation I let the kids ask me anything they wanted. Anything within high school reason, of course.
And they did.
They asked me about my marital status (a boy), about my kids, if I had any crappy clients, and how much money I make.
One of them asked me about the perks of my job.
Perks?? I don't even know where to start...
For starters, I don't have a dress code. I can work all day unshowered and in my pjs if I want to. And, admittedly, I have. Plus, it's perfectly acceptable to have my piercings and tattoos.
No management. As much as I loved my last boss, I have to admit it's really nice not having anyone to answer to. No one needs to approve my days off, no one to enforce flex-time, no one asking for reports. I am the boss. Me and my Spiderman coffee cup.
I work from home -- which also has it's downfalls, but I'm counting it as mostly 'perk'. I have no drive into work. And on a day with 18" of snow, ice, and salt trucks, it's super-nice knowing that my biggest travel to get to work is down a flight of stairs.
And since there is no drive, I also don't have to worry about getting a crappy parking spot out in left field of the parking lot. Nope. I have a designated parking spot about 3 feet from my door. In a covered garage. A DRY covered garage.
I have no set schedule. No 8-5 for me. I work as little or as much as I like. And, the majority of my work is done outside when it's beautiful. If it's nasty weather, I don't work outside. I get to decide if I'm going to have a busy week or an easy week. This week happens to be an easy week and next week looks pretty easy, too.
I get to work with some pretty amazing people. And the newborns! Ahh, the newborns are my absolute favorite. They look so fresh and new and they always smell so good (and when they DON'T smell so good, I just hand them back until they do smell good). And I have senior clients that are always so excited and bubbly. And couples that are so in love. I have clients that are farmers, pharmaceutical reps, homemakers, and teachers. I have clients that are family and some that are family to some of my friends.
And some that are my best friends.
A few weeks ago, I did just that. I did a quick session with my best friend and her niece and nephew. Definitely a perk.
It was kind of chilly that day, so we made our session outside short and sweet. Then, we headed to Tim Horton's for some hot chocolate and a doughnut. Another perk.

Girl you nailed it on the head! There is nothing like being a photographer. You get to be a part of people's lives for a day, and the moments you capture stay with them for a life time! :) You are truly blessed!
=) Don't you mean "WE" are truly blessed??!
i love this!
You're absolutely right!
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