Saturday night when we got home from our gazillion hours of pee-wee football, the Football Fairy had left a little surprise in the mailbox for my wonderful Better Half:

Yes, you saw it correctly. 2 tickets to the OSU vs. USC Game-of-the-Year. One for him and one for some really cool chick. (Um, me.)
And it's also no surprise that I have about three dozen people who are, right now at this very minute, plotting how to put me in a wheelchair, make me go temporarily blind or impair me attending this game in any way, shape, or fashion.
Regardless of what he says or thinks, I'm actually pretty excited for this game. Not just to eat pizza at Adriaticos, or to shop at the book store on High Street's a night game. Under the lights. There is just something about those lights, the smell of hotdogs, and the sound of the whistles that still makes me excited.
Granted, I was a "band geek" and got excited for a totally different reason, but I still got excited on Friday night. That counts, right?

Admittingly, football wasn't always my favorite sport. (I know, shameless confession.) I used to LIVE for basketball season. But, on Saturday, I noticed myself getting excited watching peewee football. Really! Peewee! Not just because I have a son fact, at times it had little to do with him. Watching a true team sport -- where everyone has a job to do in order for things to happen -- is exciting. I found myself getting aggravated at officials or people trying to talk to me. I even jumped out of my seat quite a few times.
I think basketball just got shoved out of first place.
Now....if I could just get a picture with Brutus.......
PS. If I come up missing before September 12th, please interview Ted S. or Tom H. I'm not saying they'll directly be involved....I'm just sayin'......
please feel Free to donate your tickets to one of your best clients ever =) They will be put to good use!
YUCK! :) Ha ha. Joking. Very exciting game for your hubby! Hopefully they can pull off a V for the Big Ten!
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