There's only one picture of me pregnant with my first daughter.
It was Christmas of 1997 and I was (what felt like) 100 months pregnant, but in reality I was 8 months and 3 weeks. My husband (at the time) and I were spending Christmas Eve with my grandparents and my Grandpa INSISTED that all the grandkids get a picture taken together.
And if you knew my Grandpa, when he spoke you knew to listen.
Every Christmas you could practically count on the same picture being taken. It was as traditional as pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce. So, all 6 grandkids stood up in our prearranged line.
Except this year I had to move from the center, to the end. My enormous frontside was wreaking havoc on the symmetry of the picture.
There wasn't much to choose from for maternity clothes back then. Most of the shirts looked more like Grandma's Chintz pillow cases with sleeves. All the pants had elastic waist bands that, I'm pretty certain, cut off the circulation to your lower appendages. And my attire was no exception that day. I wore a white ribbed, knit top and a pair of hideous black, knit pants. My hair was dark and long -- to the middle of my back -- and completely out of style. And it was well before I knew what make-up was or how to use it. I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally could've benefited from some foundation, blush and mascara. To say the least.
I stood there, on the end cap of the traditional picture, with a big smile on my face ready for Grandpa to snap away. He put the camera up to his face, and then lowered it again. And as he peered over his camera, he said,
"Ericka, you look like a big Oreo."
Probablynot the thing to say to an overly-hormonal pregnant lady. And it definitely wasn't the most flattering compliment I've ever received, but I have to admit it's pretty funny now. And, it was actually pretty accurate. I DID look like an Oreo. A double-stuffed one, to boot.
But, that's not the case nowadays. Pregnant women are gorgeous and without all the knit. Torrie was no exception. She was glowing, she was super-sweet, and absolutely adorable.
I shot this entire session in the nursery with one single window. The light just poured in and was just as beautiful as Torrie.